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Canadians choose Keanu Reeves as their Canadian James Bond, Pamela Anderson almost becomes their Bond Girl

11-Jun-2003 • Bond News

According to a survey carried out on launch day of the "Die Another Day" DVD, forty-two per cent of commuters in Toronto and Vancouver would cast action star, Keanu Reeves, as the first Canadian James Bond.

While Reeves beat out fellow Toronto actors Kiefer Sutherland and Mike Myers by a clear majority, the survey revealed that choosing a Canadian Bond Girl was a more difficult task.

Though Vancouver-born Carrie-Anne Moss was chosen as the Canadian Bond Girl with 43 per cent of the national vote, 39 per cent of Torontonians selected the buxom Pamela Anderson, narrowly edging out Carrie-Anne Moss by one per cent.

In Vancouver, commuters were more decisive: 51 per cent of voters chose Moss over Anderson. On May 27, 1,280 commuters in Toronto and Vancouver were asked the question, "Who would you choose to be the Canadian Bond and Canadian Bond Girl?" The informal survey was conducted in high-traffic commuter areas to support the DVD and VHS release of "Die Another Day".

Thanks to The Scurra for the alert.

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