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The tabloids pick on Pierce again - he`s got a `Licence to Fill Out` as he is apparently piling on the pounds

25-Jun-2003 • Actor News

Hoover News recently reported that Pierce Brosnan was snapped "waddling around town with a Thunder-ball beer-gut exploding out of T-shirt and his flies half undone" as he soaked up the sun in Malibu.

One onlooker said: "Pierce was dressed for comfort, rather than fashion."

"But you couldn`t help noticing that he didn`t need a belt and was carrying something in his T-shirt that wasn`t one of Q`s gadgets."

"At least he seemed happy."

The Hoover went on to ramble that "Pierce`s new physique could provide the James Bond crew with an interesting challenge if he hasn`t got rid of it by the time shooting begins on Bond 21."

Apparently not since a flabby Sean Connery returned to the role in Never Say Never Again, has a Bond actor been given such a "Licence To Fill Out".

"Hopefully, they`ll be able to cram him into a tuxedo," said a "movie insider" (they always seem to be available just when there is a good tabloid story!). "It`s a fair bet that no one will be asking him to wear a skintight wetsuit like the one Halle Berry wore in Die Another Day" they japed.

Thanks to Deacon for the alert.

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