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Pierce Brosnan says he would sing again, new film `The Greatest` opens at Sundance

18-Jan-2009 • Actor News

Pierce Brosnan would like to star in another musical film one day. The former James Bond actor appeared alongside Meryl Streep and Colin Firth in the summer blockbuster Mamma Mia! The Movie - now officially the biggest-selling DVD in the UK.

When asked if he would repeat the experience, Pierce said: "Why not, sure. Why not? It was great the first time round and yeah... it was a great success".

He was speaking on the red carpet at the premiere of his new film, The Greatest, in which he and Susan Sarandon play parents faced with the death of their son, reports Metro.

Audiences have been warned to bring their hankies to the emotional film, which is showing for the first time at the Sundance Film Festival.

Pierce said the filming in New York "came together extremely well".

"When you have someone as bright and as brilliant and as passionate as Shana [Feste, the director] then you just give them their space and let them get on with it."

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