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Polish postman denied Licence to Thrill

24-Jan-2009 • Bond News

“Bond, James Bond” sounds a bit better than ”Jaroszyński, Rafal Jaroszyński”. That’s why a Polish postman changed his name to the one used by 007 - the fictional British Agent made famous through countless books and films.

“If you want to change your life, you should first change your name,” Jaroszyński said.

But local authorities refused to play ball. They wouldn’t give Jaroszyński the necessary documents, claiming he can’t take the name of a fictional character - reports Russia Today.

”I think I should be treated seriously, like a good and honest man, who is not going to harm anybody. I just want to take this meaningful name and fill my life with it,” he said.

Despite the authorities’ refusal, Rafal Jaroszyński promised to fight on. He says he won’t give up until the people of his home town, Radom, have their mail delivered by a secret agent.

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