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Pierce Brosnan makes a guest appearence at the Special Olympics in Dublin, Ireland (photos)

30-Jun-2003 • Actor News

Pierce Brosnan made a guest appearence at the Special Olympics in Dublin, Ireland on June 27th 2003 to present medals and to make a special `thank you` television commerical on behalf of the organisers.

Ireland.com reported that Brosnan paid a visit to Dublin`s Riverview complex to present medals to tennis players. It was `love-all` as far as certain sections of the audience were concerned.

"Look, he hasn`t a spare inch," said one middle-aged woman, eyeing up the actor who was dressed in a black open-necked corduroy shirt and faded, frayed denim jeans. "He is absolutely gorgeous."

The actor, who received an honorary doctorate from Dublin Institute of Technology recently, was introduced by the announcer as Dr Brosnan.

Thrilled athletes, including bronze medal winner Matthew Fashley from Ohio, USA, hugged and kissed the James Bond actor as he hung the awards around their necks.

Earlier, Brosnan, in Dublin to shoot the film Laws of Attraction, co-starring Julianne Moore, said the Games would leave an "indelible legacy" on the country.

"I`m so happy that the Games coincided with filming so I could come down to see everyone," he said. "It`s a privilege to meet the athletes. I`m happy that I got an opportunity to meet some of these wonderful people."

This was his first Games, he said, adding that "the seed has been sown" for his participation in future events.

His own acting career began working with special needs actors through the theatre education programme at Oval House Theatre in London.

It was "grand" to be in Dublin. "It`s always good to come home," he said. Brosnan went on to describe the opening ceremony in Croke Park as "a night never to be forgotten".

He also said it was deeply significant that Ireland was the first country to host the Special Olympic World Summer Games outside the United States.

On a walkabout through the complex, the star was mobbed for autographs by athletes, families and friends. "How can you not admire these people?" he said. "They have overcome great odds in life and challenges in life and we can all learn from them."

A spectacular television commercial using the image of Dublin`s Spire will be broadcast from next week to say "thank you" to everyone who helped stage the Special Olympics.

The advertisement, which features a voice-over by Pierce Brosnan, will be broadcast in the days following Sunday`s closing ceremony in Croke Park. The commercial was created for the Games by DDFH&B Advertising and will be broadcast by RTE.

Thanks to MBE for the alerts.

Images courtesy Fotoweb.

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