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Boris Johnson pokes fun at Roger Moore`s Bond

26-Feb-2009 • Actor News

Boris Johnson has not spared Sir Roger Moore, the octogenarian former James Bond actor, in his column in today's Daily Telegraph. In the course of a meditation about the absurdities of the film certification system, the London mayor lights on For Your Eyes Only, Sir Roger's fifth movie playing 007 - reports The First Post.

Writes Johnson: "It happened like this. We were all chuckling at a DVD of For Your Eyes Only, a superbly bad 1981 Bond film starring Roger Moore, and I was just thinking what wholesome family viewing it was. For those of us in the throes of middle age it was cheering to watch the elderly Roger Moore as he creaked around the set while younger, fitter women flung themselves at his wobbly jowls. It is not so much an action movie as an anti-ageism tract."

He continues: "So there we were giggling away, when another friend and mother came in and said - very nicely - would we mind pressing the pause button, because she didn't want her 11-year-old exposed to the sex 'n' violence of James Bond; and of course we immediately complied, though I was puzzled. There was no swearing; the violence was so parodic as to be completely undisturbing. As for sex, the only racy scene involved Bond and the girl taking off their dressing gowns, so that you saw their undraped knees - in the case of Roger Moore, a reassuringly wrinkly knee."

Thank heavens Sir Roger is a tax-exile in Monaco and Gstaad, and as such is without a vote in London.

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