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Comment - Tabloid falls sucker to Jennifer Aniston publicity gimmick

16-Mar-2009 • Skyfall

Jennifer Aniston is apparently being lined up to be a Bond girl in 007's next outing, after she said it would be a dream role. That's what British newspaper The Daily Express would have you believe.

The paper seems to have fallen victim to the usual Bond Girl casting rumour cycle:
- Actress/model/weathergirl promotes something unrelated and mentions James Bond
- 'Anonymous source' claims aforementioned wannabe is up for a role in the next Bond movie
- Newspaper runs the story unattributed
- Rumour spreads worldwide as 'fact'

The paper quotes an anonymous 'source at EON', the franchise's production company, as saying: "We're always looking for the next Bond girl. She has to be beautiful but she also needs to have brains. It helps if she's athletic and able to keep up with the intense stunt work a Bond movie demands. Jennifer has all these qualities. It's great to hear she'd love to do a movie because we have used established actresses before such as Teri Hatcher and Denise Richards. It's great she's a fan. After her comments it's likely she'll be called in to meet Barbara Broccoli and Michael G Wilson when we start on the next one."

This despite the fact that EON never comment on casting speculation, either officially or otherwise.

And... Denise Richards was an "established actress"?

This latest media huff came about because, Jennifer, 40, recently told Elle magazine: "I'd love to do an action movie. James Bond. Glamour. Daniel Craig. Loads of fun." She was promoting her latest movie "Marley & Me" in Europe.

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