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Bonded to Sydney - Pierce Brosnan buys Walsh Bay in Sydney, Australia?

09-Jul-2003 • Actor News

According to the Telegraph (Australia) it probably would be the perfect Sydney pad for 007 agent James Bond, but has actor Pierce Brosnan really bought at Sydney glamour wharf, Walsh Bay?

According to several Sydney agents who have been keeping a keen eye out for the star, the answer is yes.

Evidently, Brosnan enjoyed Sydney so much on his last trip here that he decided to invest.

During a trip on the Harbour, Brosnan was taken with the old wharf site on Hickson Rd.

Because he was unfamiliar with buying off the plan, he waited until completion of the development to show his hand.

Problem is, pickings at Walsh Bay are a bit slim. Two current owners say they were approached by agents on behalf of a Hollywood star – though they weren`t told who the star was – but weren`t interested in selling.

"We heard that Brosnan has quietly bought on the first floor in The Pier," one resident said. "He bought it sight unseen, and the excitement was too much for the selling agent, who has told half the building `in confidence` that Brosnan has bought in."

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