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MI6 look for James Bond`s with discretion and a sense of humour

28-Sep-2009 • Bond News

For an organisation that only publicly confirmed that it existed in 1992, MI6 is now remarkably open – even occasionally jocular – about its activities, writes the Telegraph.

Its advertisement for operational officers yesterday began with the question: "where else could you deliver intelligence to Whitehall, protect your country and pretend you had a boring day at the office?"

Applicants who fancy themselves as Daniel Craig in the Bond films are directed to the www.mi6officers.co.uk website where there are self-assessment tests. Those who score between three or four out of ten are told they are "more 'oh no' than 00, we're afraid".

For all the jokes, applicants are reminded not to tell anyone that they have applied. It is all very hush-hush, after all. They are also warned that Ian Fleming's character enjoyed "a level of glamour and excitement beyond reality".

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