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Council officers say Project Pinewood should be refused

20-Oct-2009 • Bond News

The Pinewood Studios expansion plan looks likely to be rejected on Wednesday after council officers recommended it be refused - reports Bucks Free Press.

The £200m plan would see copycat versions of often-used film locations like New York and Paris built alongside 1,400 homes at the Iver Heath film studios.

A huge demonstration is expected when South Bucks District Council's planning committee discuss the plans on Wednesday.

Planning officers said the development would be innappropriate and harmful to the Metropolitan Green Belt - representing a "prominent physical and visual intrusion".

The proposed site lies within the Colne Valley Park - in which proposals will only be permitted if they "maintain and enhance the landscape in terms of its character, its scenic and conservation value and its overal amenity".

Officers also said the development could make further "innapropriate" development more likely.

Concerns over the increase in traffic and protection of trees and hedgerows currently on the site were also noted.

Councillors on the planning committee can go against the advice of council officers.

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