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American Cops arrest a real James Bond after 100mph car chase

12-Oct-2003 • Bond News

The California Highway Patrol chased James Bond all the way from Carlsbad to San Diego before getting him to stop his vehicle according to NBC San Diego.

Bond, 55, is currently living in Westminster, said authorities, who reported that they tried to pull him over at Avenida Encinas and Interstate 5 in La Costa because of a broken tail light.

Carlsbad police spokesman Don Rawson said Bond refused to pull over and led law-enforcement officials on a hair-raising chase down Interstate 5 south at speeds of up to 100 mph.

"The California Highway Patrol took over, and we discontinued the chase," Rawson said.

Bond was finally stopped by CHP officers near Washington Street, said a CHP officer.

"They spike-stripped him and he had a blowout," said Larry Landeros.

A clerk at San Diego Central Jail said Bond was booked on suspicion of DUI with drugs and evading police officers.

Our James Bond was safely tucked up in bed during the incident.

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