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Brosnan speaks up for whales - campaigners win sonar ban from US Navy

20-Oct-2003 • Actor News

Pierce Brosnan has being doing his bit for the environment again, speaking up for the causes trying to protect whales and marine life from military equipment.

The US Navy will limit the peacetime use of a new sonar system, designed to detect quiet enemy submarines, under an agreement announced Monday by environmentalists who had sued over the risk it may pose to whales and other marine mammals.

Pierce Brosnan told the news confernece, "We have a passion for what we know is right. We must act here now and abroad, and I am speaking also as an Irishman, and I will do as much as I can here today but also abroad to bring this technology under control".

The NRDC, International Fund for Animal Welfare and other environmental groups announced a new global campaign to stop the spread of high-intensity sonar systems in oceans. Such systems are used by military forces of Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and other European nations.

Thanks to IFB for the alert.

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